This is Alfonso on his Yamaha FZR and some of the guys. Allen is on the right Louis is on the blue jet ski.
You can see the approaching storm as we headed to do some snorkeling at Jose Cuervo
The tour boat found out about our spot, they were all waving at us and wanted to know if we were a jet ski gang LOL
Here Louis is taking his last breath before heading down under
Alex is hanging out
This is me heading down with my gear. Hoping to have some gills soon!
Coming back up for air!
Another shot of me next to the bar, 20ft
A shot of Louis
Jose getting poked in the butt by the growth
Jose showing off his polarized lenses
This is Joan having the time of his life
The bar
Another shot of the bar
Ariel's new boat! He joined us but had to leave due to the weather conditions turning rough.
I always look a bit wierd under water LOL
Joan looking for sharks
The bar up close
Approaching storm
The toys
Jose overshot just a little bit LOL
And the crew
One more shot
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